100 Computer Tips in 100 Days
Tip #81 - Google docs
g on to your Google account, use the Drive option along the top left of the screen to access the Google docs area. Click the Create button to choose the type of document you would like to start. The new document opens in a new tab in your browser.

But not only do you have a complete cloud-based office at
your disposal, you can also upload your creations and share them with people
online, using real time chat to communicate and collaborate back and forth. I
recently invited a class to make changes to a document. The participants were
able to see on the projected screen, all of the changes that were being made
simultaneously by everyone in the room!
As you can see, Google docs gives Microsoft a real run
for the money, and Google docs is FREE.
And this also works on iPads and other tablets, allowing you to use them
to create documents, spreadsheets and presentations and email and share them –
without turning on your laptop or computer.
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Happy computing!
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Happy computing!
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Google docs have some amazing features, and after going through your blog now I can say that I am very much familiar with all of its features. thanks for this useful info.