100 (or more) Computer Tips in 100 (or more) Days
Word - 10 Amazing Time Saving TipsHere's a list of some really little things that you can use in Word (many can be used in other programs too) that can add up to big savings in time at the end of the day. They are in no particular order. If you are not sure you have correctly identified a command on the ribbon in Word that is listed in the tip, hover over the options on the ribbons and a label will appear identifying the option.
- Double click a word to select it, then just type over the selected word to replace it. No need to delete the word first. Double clicking will select the word and the space following it. Try this tip in any email program!
- Triple click to select a paragraph. Once it's selected use the right mouse button (or Ctrl click in the Apple world) to cut or copy the text. This tip works in most email programs also.
- Use Ctrl + a (Command + a in the Apple World) to select the entire document. This is invaluable for making formatting changes to the entire document. This tip works in Excel too! No more dragging to select.
- Use the Format Painter option on the Home tab to copy format from one place in your document to another. Double click the Format Painter tool to use it multiple times. This makes formatting your document consistently really easy.
- Use the "No Spacing" style in the Style Group on the Home tab to get rid of the extra space that Microsoft insists you want after a paragraph. Don't forget to use Ctrl + a (Command + a in Apple) to select the whole document before you click the "No Spacing" command.
- Once you've removed all of the extra spaces using the "No Spacing" style you might want to insert or remove additional "Returns" after each paragraph. Use the Replace command on the Home tab, Editing Group. In the Replace box type ^p which is Word's command for a paragraph. In the With box type ^p^p. You have told the program to find all of the places where there is one return and replace it with two. Click on Replace All and you are golden. You can insert the ^ character by holding down the Shift key and typing the 6 key on the alpha keyboard. If you think this tip is valuable, while you are in the Replace box click the More option and then the Special menu at the bottom. If you ever need to make global replacements in documents you need to get to know this area.
- Need to merge two documents into the same format? Select the newly imported/merged text and click the Clear Formatting option on the Home tab, Font Group. This will remove all of the bold, underline, italic formatting with one click.
- Want to insert a picture and have the text wrap around it? Use the Insert Picture command from the Insert tab. Insert the picture and then make sure it's still selected. Right mouse click on it and from the menu choose "Wrap Text" and then "Square". Now you can move the picture anywhere in your document and the text will wrap around it.
- Need to insert some "dummy" text to demonstrate a feature in Word? Type the following: =rand(7,5) in your document and then press the Enter/Return key. Typing this command will insert 7 paragraphs of five sentences each in your document. Change the 7 and 5 to get greater or lesser amounts of text.
- Want to start typing at the top of the next page? Use the Page Break command from the Insert tab. No need to press the Enter/Return key repeatedly until you're at the top of the page.
- Need to make your document double space? Use the Line and Paragraph Spacing command on the Home tab, Paragraph group. You'll probably want to select all (Ctrl/Command + a) first before you make a line spacing selection.
- Need to know the count of words in your document? Just glance at the lower left side of your screen in the status area. If you need to know the count for just a section of your document then select that text. The status area will display the total number of words and the total number of selected words.
- Need to break text on another line without creating a new paragraph? Use Shift along with the Enter/Return key. This is the keyboard shortcut for a line break, not a paragraph break. This one is really helpful when you're using bullets or numbers and you want to start text under the bullet.
OK, it turns out I can't count to 10 but aren't these little tips great? Write a comment and let me know which of these is your favorite time saver.
Happy Computing!
Want more tech news or interesting links? You'll get plenty of both if you keep up with Diane McKeever, the writer of 100 Computer Tips in 100 Days, by subscribing to her Facebook posts or visiting her web page, www.dianemckeever.com .
Happy Computing!
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Want more tech news or interesting links? You'll get plenty of both if you keep up with Diane McKeever, the writer of 100 Computer Tips in 100 Days, by subscribing to her Facebook posts or visiting her web page, www.dianemckeever.com .
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