Friday, November 3, 2023

Tip 105 - Alt Code Reference Sheet

100 Amazing Computer Tips

Tip #105 - Alt Code Reference Sheet

Have you ever wondered how people inserted special characters such as smiley faces, hearts, arrows, etc. into their emails, Tweets, Facebook posts, or worksheets? They probably used Alt codes to accomplish it. This sheet has been downloaded over 40 thousand times!

Alt codes have been around for decades and were used by early programmers. I have compiled a list below for your use. For best results, you should save the picture by clicking on it with the right mouse button and choosing "Save Image As" or "Save Picture As" and saving it on your desktop. You can then double-click the image on your desktop and print from there. 

After this was posted my Apple friends were very sad that they couldn't do this fun stuff with the Alt key. Here's a special character reference sheet for you. Hope this helps my Apple friends.

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Happy Computing!


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Happy computing!


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  1. Like the stuff, different useful Alt codes for symbols. There are some of the symbols which I was looking for.

    1. Glad you are finding this useful. Don't forget to sign up for email alerts when new tips are posted.

  2. I really like the idea of your website! Congrats

    1. Thanks Joe. Tell your friends and co-workers about it, they might become better computer users! Diane

  3. This Alt tags sheet is very useful for me, I was searching for some of these symbols. Thanks for sharing this reference sheet.


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