Monday, February 4, 2013

Tip #4 - Zooming Windows

100 Amazing Computer Tips

Zooming Windows

Have you ever gone to a website and found that the images and words on the page were way too small to read? If you find that happening to you all of the time you might want to visit the eye doctor but, if it happens only occasionally, you may only need to zoom in on the window. 

While the zoom command is probably someplace in your program, here is a simple mouse and keyboard combination that can help.

While holding down the Ctrl key roll the wheel of the mouse away from you to zoom in. Made it too large? Use the Ctrl key and roll the wheel of the mouse towards you. Brilliant! What's that, you say,you don't have a wheel on your mouse? Trot on down to your nearest office supply store and get a new mouse. A mouse without a wheel is ready for the retirement village anyway.

Keep in mind that this works not only on a browser window but with just about ANY window. If you are in Word or Excel and want to make that screen larger use Ctrl & the mouse wheel.

This generally works on the Apple using the Command key. The Apple also uses Alt + Command (hold down the Alt & Command keys simultaneously) and the plus (+) or minus (-) key to increase or decrease the zoom. 

Happy Computing!


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